I  help women escape the constipation cycle for good

Spend less time thinking about your symptoms and more time living life on your terms. A three month group program for those who are ready to do more than just take a laxative & hope for the best.

mastering motility


How quickly food moves through the gastrointestinal tract from ingestion to elimination.

Motility [mo·​til·​i·​ty]

Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of self advocacy and being informed, but DIY'ing your motility journey is only going to lead to confusion, overwhelm, and more likely than not, a supplement graveyard. If you’ve ever been stuck inside the merry-go-round of laxatives, fibre supplements, and self diagnosing (hello SIBO 👋🏻), and have yet to see major results in your constipation, then it's time for a change.

One in five women in the US alone struggles with constipation and most of these women are being left in the dark about what they should be doing or taking to tackle their constipation.  Chances are, if you’re reading this, you fall into this boat too, and you’re about ready to abandon ship.

If you were going to solve your constipation on your own by now, you would have already.

Here’s the truth. 


Constipation is a game of mastering

If you can learn how to get your bowels in a rhythm, then you can also learn how to keep them moving with the right dietary and lifestyle strategies that target the microbiome + motility.

A body in motion stays in motion unless acted on by an outside force. 

Everything begins to feel complex and none of what you try feels in alignment with what it is you really want: simple answers that allow you to poop like a champion every day while still enjoying your life and the food you eat.

You graduate to trying expensive stool tests and food sensitivity tests in hopes that these will give you some answers that other strategies couldn’t. However, you only end up feeling more confused and overwhelmed, as your results are conflicting, and require you to try complex protocols, antimicrobials, antibiotics, or restrictive diets like the low FODMAP diet. 

You visit practitioner after practitioner, looking for answers for your constipation, and you’re told time after time that the best things you can do to “manage” your symptoms are take a laxative, drink more water, and take a fiber supplement. Frustrated doesn’t even begin to describe how it feels for you to hear this for the 10th time.

Can you relate to this?

The wrong constipation strategy won’t just lead you down the wrong path, it might actually cause more symptoms for you. This is why having clarity about the why  of why certain strategies work for motility is absolutely critical (this is where science comes in, by the way).

The most common question I get asked in my practice is “What else can I do besides take a laxative?” I have a feeling you want to know the answer, too.

I want you to imagine for a second what it might be like for you to not have to think about your symptoms anymore. And even more importantly, what else you could do with your days if you freed up this mental energy.

You spend far too many hours thinking about, worrying about and stressing about your symptoms, whether or not you’ll have a bowel movement and what reactions you’ll have to the foods you eat. The mental energy this requires is immeasurable.


Imagine expanding your diet vs restricting and no longer having reactions to the healthiest plant foods.

Imagine being able to travel and not worry about whether or not you’ll end up feeling gross and backed up.

Imagine being able to eat out with confidence and enjoy food again.

Imagine having your hormones start to balance because they’re no longer being impacted by your constipation.

Imagine having significantly less bloating because you’re no longer backed up.

Imagine getting your transit time down to 24 hours or less.

Imagine getting your bowels moving and having a full volume bowel movement every single day.

Imagine this...

I get that it’s scary to know where to turn, and the fear of investing in yet another “thing” might be the very thing that’s keeping you stuck. But a comfort zone of discomfort is not a place to live in the long term. It’s not a place where you show up as your best self.

Throwing spaghetti at the wall by trying different supplements here and there, different gut health testing here and there, and different elimination diets here and there is not the strategy that’s going to yield the results you need.

I totally get it…

Feeling confused about how to support your motility? In this free guide, you'll find a bundle of recipes that were handpicked to encourage better motility with plant-based eating, and to keep things moving. Subscribe to my email list below to get your FREE copy.

Smooth Moves:
Recipes to Support Motility


Learn the step-by-step strategies you need to master your motility from Roslyn herself. Each training call will walk you through the process of establishing rhythm in your bowel movements so you can eventually poop on your own like a champion. The program will include a total of six 45-minute (+) training calls.

What's included

All calls in the program are recorded and added to Kajabi once each session wraps up. This means that even if you can't join a session live (although I hope you can join as many as possible), you can watch it back at a time that's convenient for you. Unlike many other programs and courses, your access to these materials, including the accompanying PDF slideshow for each training call, is not limited to your time in the program. Please note that after the program wraps up, these materials may be transferred over to Google Drive for you to have easy access to in the future.

Join in on two live coaching calls each month where you can receive feedback on the strategies you’re implementing. Sign up for a spot on the call ahead of time and have 10-15 minutes with Roslyn to hash out a plan for your journey forward. These calls are designed to help you put theory into practice and provide advice for your unique microbiome and health goals.

Twice-Monthly Training Calls

Twice-Monthly Coaching Calls

Access to the Member’s Only Community

All Mastering Motility (MM) members gain access to an exclusive member’s only online community. This community is closed to the public and will be closely monitored by Roslyn. The purpose of this group is to provide a safe space for MM members to ask questions, gain feedback, share tips and wins and troubleshoot between training/coaching calls. 

Lifetime Access to all Call Recordings

Mastering Motility:
A 3-month Group Program


Online support community

Secure checkout with Stripe

Three monthly payments

Your investment will be $717 USD per month for three months, which includes access to the Plant Powered Gut Academy course*

$717 USD/m


Over these life-changing three months, you will be part of an intimate and personalized group coaching experience with individualized nutrition support and bi-weekly accountability.

Let's talk cost

Pooping daily like a champion, fully emptying each time, and enjoying a wide variety of food again.

Slow motility, skipping bowel movements or just having incomplete emptying with bloating, gas, low energy and food sensitivities.

Mastering Motility isn’t just another “constipation quick fix” program. It’s a 3-month transformative process that will take you from:

not sure if it's right for you?

Real results from people just like you

Diversity, how to diversify the diet, reflection and comparison of week one, final tips and advanced recipe ideas.

Additional techniques for supporting motility (diet + lifestyle), preparing food for easier digestion, sleep support, additional root causes to investigate.  

Motility mindset, the gut-brain connection and vagus nerve, stress management techniques, exercise for motility.

 Analyzing bowel movement habits, bowel retraining, routine rhythm and adding in motility support through additional supplements.

How to balance your plate for motility and how to introduce food triggers strategically, motility supporting foods, meal ideas, setting daily fibre goals.

Choosing the right motility agent, choosing the right dose, hydration, digestion techniques, initial dietary steps to establish bowel movement rhythm, tracking your bowel movements.

Mastering Motility

What you'll learn in

* Please note: Program content is subject to change at any time.








Between the community support, the Plant Powered Gut Academy online course, the group coaching calls with one-on-one time with Ros and the live training sessions, you will feel more inspired and accomplished in reaching your gut health goals than ever before.

Mastering Motility teaches the strategies that work and leaves behind the rest. 

Mastering Motility will simplify the process and walk you through the exact strategies Roslyn teaches her 1:1 clients in a way that you can apply to your unique constipation journey. Everything you learn in Mastering Motility is evidence based and taught with the intention of blending science and intuition.

Mastering Motility is the first step in hitting your bowel movement goals. It is the all encompassing A-Z of how to overcome your constipation without all of the fluff of marketing-driven testing, elimination dieting, and lengthy supplement lists that tend to leave people feeling more overwhelmed, and more confused than ever about how to move forward in their motility journey.

Why mastering motility?


Add-on a 1:1 for $450 USD
Save $250 USD

When you register for Mastering Motility you will have the option of adding on a 1-hour 1:1 call with Roslyn to discuss your unique health history and get laser focused on what it is that you need to take your gut health to the next level. This add-on can be purchased for 450 USD (valued at $600 USD) and is not offered anywhere else online.

Upgrade for 1:1 time with Roslyn

ready to go all in?


Online support community

Secure checkout with Stripe

Three monthly payments

Your investment will be $717 USD per month for three months, which includes access to the Plant Powered Gut Academy course*

$717 USD/m


Over these life-changing three months, you will be part of an intimate and personalized group coaching experience with individualized nutrition support and bi-weekly accountability.

Let's talk cost

Let’s get you answers

Have questions?

How often are the calls?


There will be 2 coaching calls per month and 2 training calls per month. They will alternate each week. All calls will be held live on Zoom and recorded (you get lifetime access). The coaching calls are for students to gain some 1:1 time with Ros and receive feedback on what they are implementing, and the training calls are for teaching the lessons.

I feel weird about being in a group and talking about poop. Is this a safe space?


Trust me when I say, there is no better learning environment than a group of women who are all coming together for the same reason. My job is to normalize poop talk and make all members feel comfortable. You can be confident knowing that what you shares stays within the group & everyone is in the same boat!

What happens if I can't come live to the calls?


It's totally okay if you can't make all of the calls, especially the training calls, as those are just lessons where I teach strategies and students can ask questions at the end. However, I will only recommend signing up for the program if you are confident that you will be able to make most of the coaching calls, as that's where the magic will be happening.

How will I apply what I'm learning in the group sessions to my own circumstances?


That's a great question! The program is structured in a way where you will learn strategies in the training calls and then bring any questions  you have about how this applies to your unique health circumstances to the coaching calls. The coaching calls are where you will have 1:1 time with Ros to get individual feedback and direction.

Will this be a big group program?


No. There will be a maximum enrollment of 20 women, however, I expect the actual enrollment number to be less. I want to keep the group small so connections are made and I have time to speak to as many of you as possible during the group coaching calls.

Can I cancel one month in if the program is not for me? 


 I am SO confident that you will fall in love with not only the program and the community but also the results you experience from implementing that I don't ever foresee you wanting a refund. When you commit to the program, you are committing for three months, but paying in monthly instalments. However, if a medical emergency were to arise, I would speak to you individually and assess a way to move forward that works for you.

When will the calls be?


Although there is no set schedule for the calls yet, they will likely be during the hours of 8am-3pm PST on either Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. This program works best for those of you who have a flexible schedule or have some days where you work from home. The call times will be set communicated to you before you join the program.

How is this different from Correcting Constipation, the workshop?


Correcting Constipation is a generalized, two-hour workshop that teaches the surface level of some of the strategies we will be diving into during the program. MM will certainly expand on some of the concepts learned in CC but in much more depth and in a way that makes implementation easy.

Simply put, I will be telling Mastering Motility students exactly what to implement and do in a step-by-step format in order to overcome their constipation. Correcting Constipation includes general information that students must learn how to apply to their own health on their own. CC does not cover many of the lessons, tips and strategies that MM does and does not include any 1:1 time, coaching, or training with Roslyn.

Who is this program not suited for?


MM is a fantastic alternative to a 1:1 program for those who are self-starters and can implement well with some group support and guidance. With that being said, MM is not for those who need a ton of hand holding or have a very complex set of symptoms and multiple diagnoses. Although there will be opportunities to chat 1:1 with Roslyn in the coaching calls, this is by no means a 1:1 program. If you are dealing with a case of constipation that is due to medication, an additional diagnosis or a structural abnormality, this program will not be a good fit for you. If you are dealing with a classic case of constipation and have tried numerous strategies with no results to show for it and are looking for that next step to cut through the BS and simplify the process, MM will be perfect for you.

You have two choices...

You can join me inside of Mastering Motility and spend the next 3 months learning how to address your constipation at a microbiome level so you can overcome your slow motility for good, get your life back, and fall back in love with food. All with the support of a community that understands you and a mentor who will teach you the path of least resistance forward. 

Option 2 | Do it together

You can choose to struggle and try to overcome your constipation on your own through trial and error…

Option 1 | Do it on your own

Ready to master your motility?

Application form

Apply now

 Join the list to get your FREE guide

Feeling confused about how to support your motility? In this free guide, you'll find a bundle of recipes that were handpicked to encourage better motility with plant-based eating, and to keep things moving. Subscribe to my email list below to get your FREE copy.

Smooth Moves: Recipes to Support Motility