I  help women escape the constipation cycle for good

A 1:1 program built on evidence-based, plant-forward nutrition strategies to help you diversify your diet, regain energy and start fully emptying your bowels daily.

The solutions you need for the symptoms you’ve learned to live with


The honest truth is that too many women have learned to tolerate their pain and their constipation symptoms. If you're anything like me, then you're likely a people pleaser, you undervalue your worth, and you put your health dead last. But at what point does your cup run dry? At what point are you no longer able to show up for yourself or for others? At what point do your symptoms start dictating your life?

If you’re in need of simplified answers for your slow motility but you’re feeling burnt out by the never-ending chase of the next quick fix or the next laxative, then you’ve come to the right place. My job as a constipation expert and holistic practitioner is to boil down the confusion, erase the overwhelm, and walk you through the exact steps you need to take in order to start pooping like a queen and regain and your livelihood.

Constipation solutions that just makes sense.

Where do you see yourself 6 months from now if you stay on the path you’re currently walking in your health? 


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$1497 USD + 5% GST

3 Monthly Payments

A customized, evidence based program to repair your microbiome and uplevel your gut health

Let's talk cost

There are a million and one strategies out there that you could implement to overcome your constipation, but very few will yield the long term, sustainable results you’re actually looking for. What I’ve learned is that the key thing that separates those that do from those that don’t comes down to one simple thing: science.

The strategies that work for improving motility and microbiome health are evidence based, not built on what sells or popular opinion. Nutrition research is changing daily and it’s my job as a practitioner to stay up to date on the data so you can understand with clarity what your path forward looks like, and feel excited about it.

If you’re ready to get the accountability, guidance and support that you need to finally close the gaps in your diet and lifestyle and clearly understand the “how” of how to start pooping better with simplified strategies, then my signature 1:1 coaching program is the right fit for you.

A customized 3 month 1:1 program with a microbiome & motility focus

Your microbiome is an ecosystem and your bacteria crave diversity; let’s give them what they need to thrive.

I know because these were all true for me too at one point in my health journey. Whatever your story is, my job is to help you regain clarity and confidence that you too can start fully emptying your bowels every single day. Because guess what? You absolutely can with the right guidance and strategies.

Are overwhelmed by the conflicting constipation information online

Perhaps you…

You’re here because you’re tired of the bandaid solutions and you want to make lasting, sustainable change for your gut health.

Have eliminated all kinds of plant foods from your diet
Have seen a GI specialist and all kinds of other practitioners
Have tried every laxative under the sun
Feel confused about the best diet to follow for your constipation
Have spent hundreds of dollars on testing that didn’t yield results
Have been told to try the low FODMAP diet or a gluten free diet
Have lived with irregular BMs years and are ready to give up
Have been told that this is just the way things will always be for you

Master your microbiome and optimize your motility

What’s included?

Recipe recommendations and PDFs that will help you implement new dietary changes with ease and confidence


Exclusive access to my online course, BM Breakthrough Academy during the entirety of the program


Unlimited support and voice note support via Instagram DM so you can get your questions answered quickly and chat about your progress


30-45 minute coaching calls every two weeks so you can get the ongoing guidance you need to feel better quickly


A 1-hour initial consult to go over your health history and discuss your unique constipation plan


The objective of the 1:1 program is that upon completion, you feel confident that you can wean off your motility agent and carry on your own afterward. The goal is never  to be dependent on me as a practitioner. The goal is clarity, independence and an ongoing sense of understanding of what’s going on in your body and more importantly, why certain foods and life circumstances can slow down your motility. My job is to help you build the foundations you need to transform your microbiome and motility. Your job is to implement those foundations and continue to use the tools you need to carry on without me.

This program is for you if you’re ready to make a lasting lifestyle change that will benefit your microbiome and allow you to poop like a queen 👸🏻

build the foundations

You’re ready to adopt a more plant forward diet or you have an open mind about making the transition one day (even if you aren’t ready yet)

You’re ready for an evidence based approach that may go against what other practitioners have told you in the past

You’re willing to use motility agents strategically to establish rhythm in your bowel movements

You’re open to adding (plant) foods back into your diet that you’ve eliminated

You understand that this is a journey and that it may take up to 6 months for you to truly repair your microbiome and fix your motility

1:1 is for you if:

If we both agree that it’s the right fit after the discovery call, I will invite you to join the program.  After our call, I will send you a welcome email with everything you need to get started, including a payment link, all the forms I’ll need you to fill out with instructions on how to do so, a calendar link to book in your initial consult, as well as a legal agreement form. We will have our first coaching call and lay out the foundations and action steps for the remainder of the program.

During our coaching calls, we’ll continue to update and modify the strategies we’ve implemented together, check in on symptom changes and progress, and add in new strategies to keep you on track to achieving your goals. I will be there for ongoing support and accountability every step of the way. You’ll also have exclusive access to my online course, BM Breakthrough Academy, where you can expand on your learning in the program with mindset trainings, recipes, and more.

Step 3   |   Ongoing Support

Since there is only one of me, I can only take on so many new clients at once, and my goal is to always keep my client load small enough that I can give my full attention and energy to the women who have already committed to working with me. After you fill out the application form linked below, I will take the time to review your application. Please be thorough in your responses. If it’s the right fit, you can expect a response within one week where I will either invite you to book in for a free 30-minute discovery call, or inform you that you are on the waitlist. 

Step 2   |   Getting Started

Get to know our trusted method

Step 1   |   Apply

the process

Real results from people just like you

Let’s get you answers

Have questions?

What does the investment look like?


The amount you’ll invest into working together 1:1 depends on the length of time it will take for you to reach your goals.

I require that we work together for a minimum of 3 months, although some clients will require 6 months if they are not already whole food plant based and are dealing with more than one health concern. 

Overall, you can expect to invest $1497 USD/month for the 3 month program.

How long will we work together?


After 3 months we can discuss whether or not it makes sense for you to renew for another 3 months.

I do not offer hourly rates or one-off sessions unless you have been working with me for an extended period of time.

Do I need to be plant based to work with you?


Absolutely not! However, with that being said, I do need you to keep an open mind about moving in that direction, as we know that the research overwhelmingly states a high fibre, diverse, plant-forward diet is the single greatest way to repair the microbiome.

I will happily meet you exactly where you are and will never pass judgment about your current diet. My goal is to get you to a place where you’re feeling incredible! I know that plants can do that but I also want you to feel as though you have flexibility and balance. I like to take an 80/20 approach.

Through our 1:1 sessions and extended learning in the BMBA, you will feel confident in no time in how to start to lead a more plant-focused lifestyle that supports your gut and overall health.

Do you utilize testing in your program?


Although I may ask you to book a visit with your doctor to get a requisition for standard blood work (things like B12, thyroid, celiac antibodies, vitamin D3, and iron may need to be tested), or to get a colonoscopy/endoscopy, I will not require you to get any additional testing. 

The reason being is that most gut health tests (examples: GI Map testing, food sensitivity testing and Viome gut testing) are not evidence based, lack research behind their testing methods, provide many false positives/negatives, and are overall a waste of money. Food sensitivity testing is especially inaccurate and is a huge money grab. I believe in food tracking, bowel movement tracking and similar tools to help you understand what’s going on with your bowel movements and what foods you’re sensitive to. 

You don’t need a test to tell you those things. The general direction for achieving a healthy microbiome will be similar across the board. If and when an accurate microbiome test comes out, I will be the first to let you know! It would be incredible to one day have something like that to enhance the care I can provide for my clients. For now, these tests are not worth the money or the hype.

Note: if we suspect SIBO is at play for you, we will base that analysis off of symptoms and can use antimicrobials and food support to address that imbalance if need be. I work with a certified herbal therapist in these instances. But remember, if you have constipation and get a positive test result for SIBO, you most likely don’t have SIBO. The methane released from the constipation gives a false positive for the test.

Do you accept health insurance?


No, I do not. However, if your extended health plan lists “nutritionist”, I can issue you an invoice that you can submit to your insurance provider yourself.

Will you give me a meal plan?


In most cases, I will not. I am happy to provide you with meal recommendations and recipe ideas, but the end goal for all of my clients is that they understand how to build a balanced, plant forward plate on their own and can find recipes to adapt and fit their gut health needs.

I find that with meal plans, clients become lost once they’re not following them, and that’s certainly not what I want for you!


Most flexible

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Three easy payments

$1497 USD + 5% GST

3 Monthly Payments

A customized, evidence based program to repair your microbiome and uplevel your gut health

Let's talk cost

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