Utilize the support community to get your most pressing questions answered and share your big or small wins along the way.
Take action on the daily routine changes that will allow your nervous system to thrive, resulting in easier to pass, bigger poops.
Learn how to pair bowel retraining techniques with strategic motility agent use so you can fully empty your bowels within 2 hours of waking up.
Learn exactly how to balance your plate and choose motility supporting foods so you can have high volume bowel movements, daily.
those who are good at taking action in their health once given clear instructions
those who feel overwhelmed about what to take action on to escape the constipation cycle for good
those who crave accountability, support and community to make impactful changes in their gut health
those who have tried Miralax and fibre supplements on their own, but have yet to see changes in their constipation
those who do well in a group setting and learn from those around them
those who are open to making significant changes in their diet that support motility
those of you who have attended my constipation workshops (they are not a prerequisite)
* Please note, you are not required to transition to a 100% plant based diet, however, you are required to have an open mind when it comes to increasing your fibre intake, diversifying your diet, and eating more plant based foods
are following strict elimination diets and are not able to come off them without 1:1 guidance
are not willing to give up dairy, red meat and eggs for one month
are close minded to following a more plant forward diet & can't eat beans or whole grains
want to only focus on supplements and motility agents to fix their constipation
have a long term (one year +) history of stimulant laxative use and are currently dependent on them
have very complex health histories with multiple diagnoses in addition to constipation
get lost or feel overwhelmed in a group learning setting (you require ample 1:1 time)
And rightly so. You shouldn't have to compromise on what you want. You can have your cake and eat it too. You can learn how to fully empty each morning and only take 1-2 supplements. You can beat the bloating and gas without spending $500 on a GI map test. You can support your motility and still say yes to eating dinner out with friends. You can learn how to use motility agents properly so you don't have to take them the rest of your life. You can re-train your bowels and still go on that weekend trip.
Over the next 30 days, I want to teach you exactly what you're going to need to do to get there.
✅ You want to fix your constipation, but you don't want to live on a restrictive diet forever
✅ You want to fix your constipation, but you don’t want to have to take 10+ supplements in order to poop.
✅ You want to fix your constipation, but you don’t want to have to take laxatives the rest of your life.
✅ You want to fix your constipation, but you don’t want to have to spend thousands on testing.
Gain lifetime access to all materials
Replay available in Kajabi
Live access to kick-off call
⚠️ EXPIRES March 30 ⚠️
Gain lifetime access to all materials
Replay available in Kajabi
Live access to kick-off call
⚠️Expires March 11 ⚠️
Thirty days later you’ll be bragging to your family and friends about how amazing your bowel movements are and you'll feel like a different person!
You will follow the four-week meal plan to get your bowels in a rhythm and start having epic daily poops (totally optional).
You will listen to the motility audio trainings (5 total) that will support your learning & guide you in taking action.
Throughout the challenge you will check in with the community (on Slack) to share wins and progress and to ask questions.
You commit to following the daily and weekly action items to work on your constipation & get your bowels in a rhythm.
On March 31st, you will join the rest of the challenge participants for the kick-off Zoom call (it's recorded so you have access if you can’t join live).
* Please note all trainings are subject to change
Motility supporting foods for constipation
How to tolerate plant foods when you're constipated
Mindset shifts to transform your HEALTH
Motility agents 101 + How to do a clear out
The 7 types of constipation & what to do about each
The challenge is a 30 day guided month of putting into practice the most impactful strategies that the workshops cover. Don't stress, I will still be going over the details of these strategies, however, the entire purpose of the challenge is to take action vs just passively learn. Between the support group, the audio trainings, the workbook and the kick-off call, you will have everything you need to stay accountable to yourself and build out a diet/lifestyle that allows you to solve your constipation for good.
You will have lifetime access to the workbook, the audio trainings, the meal plans, the kick-off call recording, and any accompanying PDFs. You will only have access to the Slack support group during the time that the challenge is being hosted (one month).
Will this challenge work for me if [insert medical condition or piece of your current health that impacts your motility]?
It’s really hard for me to make the challenge safe for all life stages and medical histories. As a general rule, if you are dealing with constipation, bloating, gas and food sensitivities, the challenge will be life changing for you! Once the challenge has begun, please speak to your doctor to ensure that everything you’re learning is safe for you to implement.
Yes! We will be discussing motility supporting foods and general dietary strategies for constipation so you can keep your bowels moving. Motility agent strategies will not be a big part of the challenge but you will be learning how to do a clear out!
Yes! Very much so. 99% of the information in the Challenge will be applicable to you regardless of where you live in the world. The only consideration is the one motility agent brand recommendation I make. I am happy to work with you in the support group to find an alternative motility agent option that you can access where you live.
If I register for the Challenge, do I have to take part in the challenge live or can I do it later?
You do not need to participate in the challenge live but it is highly recommended! You are more than welcome to do it on your own later, you just won't have access to the support group.
For the vast majority of folks, long term use is not necessary! Tapering off of laxatives is not a strategy that I teach in the Challenge. If you would like to learn more about how to use motility agents strategically, including how to taper off, I recommend registering for my workshop, Motility Matters, which all challenge participants get the chance to purchase at a discounted rate.