I  help women escape the constipation cycle for good


Correcting Constipation: A two-hour workshop for women who want to eat more plants and have brag-worthy poops. 

Fall back in love with food, feel like yourself again & fully empty your bowels every single morning.

Most women know exactly what they want in their health—namely, to feel normal again—but very few are clear on the "how" of how to get there without feeling restricted in all areas of their life. Enter Correcting Constipation.

In this two-hour live workshop, you'll uncover the exact evidence based strategies that I teach my clients to help them escape the constipation cycle for good. The fluff-free, simple, yet effective solutions that just make sense.

It's not that women aren't looking for help when it comes to their constipation, it's that they haven't yet been helped in the ways that they need to address their symptoms in a meaningful way. We're being failed by a system that is only equipped to teach symptom management rather than healing.

In order to address constipation, we need to focus on both motility and the microbiome. The strategies I teach in this workshop will change the way you view your gut and all of the amazing things you can do to support it.

A year from now you want a calm belly, sky-high energy levels and brag-worthy bowel movements. But what are you doing to get there?

NEXT WORKSHOP DATE: TBD, Recording available for purchase

Real results from people just like you

BUY NOW đź’©

👉🏻 You wake up bloated with a feeling of fullness and wonder if today's the day you miss a bowel movement.
👉🏻 Your energy is low and you're not able to show up for your family and friends like you used to.
👉🏻 You're scared to travel because the last time you did, you were distended, gassy and exhausted the entire trip.
👉🏻 You say no to dinner out or at friends' houses because you don't know if you'll be able to eat anything that doesn't leave you feeling worse than you already do.

At what point did your constipation start calling the shots?

It's time to take your life back and learn the exact strategies you need to start pooping more, and worrying less about your gut. Let me teach you how.

You're here because your constipation is preventing you from living your life.


How to ramp up fibre to avoid reactions to foods and worsening symptoms

How to diversify your diet to support microbial diversity and motility

What foods to eat and what foods to avoid for constipation (the goal is diversity, not elimination)

How to re-train your bowels to poop at the same time each day

How to change your diet to support your microbiome for long term optimal motility

How to get your bowels moving with the right foods, supplements and lifestyle strategies so you can immediately reduce your symptoms

Why constipation happens and where conventional treatments miss the mark

In this workshop you'll learn…

Recipe Booklet

A small recipe booklet will be included with 11 balanced dinner recipes and 5 breakfast recipes you can incorporate into your routine.

You will have lifetime access to the workshop workbook, with 48 pages of material guiding you through the process of correcting your constipation.


You will have immediate, lifetime access to the most recent recording of the 2-hour workshop and Q&A. 

Video Training

Two-Hour Workshop
+ Q&A Session

What's included

But you’re here because they haven’t worked. Let’s get you crystal clear on exactly what you should be eating to get your bowels in a rhythm so you can become the pooping queen you’ve been dreaming of.

I know you've tried all of the diets...


48-page workbook

Bonus PDF

2-hour workshop recording

$70 USD




48-page workbook

Bonus PDF

2-hour workshop recording

$139 USD



Let's talk cost

Let’s get you answers

Have questions?

Do I have to attend the workshop live? (Only applicable if purchasing a live version of the workshop)


Nope! You have lifetime access to all of the materials including the workshop recording, so you can watch the replay whenever it’s convenient for you! The replay will only be available after the live workshop has wrapped up. Please note: If you are purchasing a recorded version of the workshops, you will have immediate, lifetime access to all materials including the most recent recording (which is updated every time I host a live round of the workshops).

What’s the difference between Correcting Constipation and Motility Matters?


These workshops are a series! Correcting Constipation is workshop #1 and focuses on diet and lifestyle strategies for constipation including bowel and routine rhythm, increasing fibre without slowing down motility, identifying different forms of constipation, etc. Motility Matters is workshop #2 and focuses on motility agent strategies for constipation including doing a clear out, tapering off of your motility agent, dosing, choosing the right form and type for your constipation, etc. I recommend taking both workshops eventually. When you buy Correcting Constipation and Motility Matters together, you’ll save $30 with bundle pricing.

Will this workshop work for me if [insert medical condition or piece of your current health that impacts your motility]?


It’s impossible for me to make the workshop safe for all life stages and medical histories. As a general rule, if you are dealing with constipation, bloating, gas and food sensitivities, the workshops will be life changing for you! Once you’ve taken the workshops, please speak to your doctor to ensure that everything you’re learning is safe for you to implement.

Will you be addressing laxatives in this workshop?


Yes, but not in depth. We will be going over motility agent strategies in depth in Motility Matters.

I live in [insert country], will the recommendations you make still apply to me?


Yes! Very much so. Everything you will be learning in Correcting Constipation will be helpful regardless of where in the world you are located.

If I take Correcting Constipation now, can I register for Motility Matters later? 


Yes, you can! You will just have to wait until I host the workshops live again or purchase the recording. I always recommend registering for the bundle if you can!

Will I have to give up all animal products in order to participate?


No, you won’t. Or at least not completely. With that being said, you will have to keep an open mind and be open to transitioning to a more plant forward diet. What you add in to your diet is more important than what you eliminate/reduce, however, certain animal foods are notorious for slowing down motility and fuelling dysbiosis (negative changes in gut bacteria), so we will be discussing the importance of reducing these in your diet. The vast majority of my clients do not end up eating 100% plant based, but they often surprise themselves and eventually discover that following a 60-90% plant based diet feels best for them and allows them to heal their gut and have the best bowel movements of their life!

Ready to start having epic poops?

I WANT IN! đź’©

The most recent recording is now available for purchase ⤵️